My Story

About seven years ago after countless unsuccessful doctor visits, my husband started eating gluten free after finally finding someone who told him he has celiac disease. Eating gluten free was the end of his health troubles, but only the beginning of my kitchen troubles.

I sorta panicked wondering how on earth would I cook decent meals for him for the rest of my life?!
If you’ve ever been in that position, this blog is for you. But of course, you would never panic like that, right? 😃
Anyways… I did soon learn to take it one meal at a time. And someone gave me some invaluable advice- focus on what he can eat, not what he can’t. That made it much easier. Think about it- meat, fruit, vegetables, dairy. There is a lot to work with. After all, gluten free is only grains and not even all grains at that.
Seven years ago, gluten free was only just starting to be a popular fad. I didn’t have internet access to recipes and a lot of stuff I tried flopped badly.
But now, thru’ much trial and error, cooking gluten free comes easily for me. So if this blog can help anyone skip the flops and mistakes, then it has served its purpose.
Whether you have celiac disease or are just looking to make a gluten free meal for your dinner guests; here are my easy, simple recipes that anyone can make.

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